Apifiny Algo SDK
C++ client API for Apifiny Algo
Apifiny Algo SDK

Apifiny Algo is a high performance cryptocurrency trading and research platform. It is implemented in C++ but allows users to code trading strategies in python and JSON. It offers flexibility and convenience without compromise of performance. It provides direct connectivities to multiple exchanges, and has a computation framework and algorithm library. It can be used both as a trading platform and a financial product platform. Users can easily create trading strategies and/or financial products using JSON/Python at high level or C++ at low level.

One powerful feature of this product is that it has created a psudo-language on top of JSON. This psudo-language uses C++ classes and JSON parameters to construct computation nodes and links them together into a network. The platform then uses market events and timer events to drive the computation network, generate trading signals and place orders efficiently. The psudo-language also handles risk formulations, making portfolio trading and hedging extremely simple.

With this product in hand, you can spend your valuable time on real strategy and product research, while be assured that all your work will perform at cutting edge speed.