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It contains samplers. A sampler triggers an onSample() callback when a sampling event happens, such as a time duration passed. It also calculates a decay value for this event.

samplers instances:

"samplers": [
    ["ds_0", ["TimeSampler", {"halflife": 5, "msecs": 100}]], 
    ["ds_1", ["TimeSampler", {"halflife": 25, "msecs": 100}]]

samplers Overview:

Class Description
TimeSampler Fire sampling event when the specified duration has passed.
TradeSampler The sampler is fired on an event of a trade.
VolSampler The sampler is fired when the trading volume exceeds above a threshold.
NotionalSampler For a given notional threshold, the sampler is fired whenever the notional trade value (trade_price*trade_qty) over a period is greater than the notional threshold.

samplers Details:


Fire sampling event when the specified duration has passed.

Field Description Mandatory
msecs The time interval to trigger a sampling event (millisecond unit). Yes
halflife The number of sampler points taken to decay a value by half. No


The sampler is fired on an event of a trade.

Field Description Mandatory
port The source of market data, the first parameter is symbol, the second parameter is the exchange. Yes
halflife The number of sampler points taken to decay a value by half. No


The sampler is fired when the trading volume exceeds above a threshold.

Field Description Mandatory
port The source of market data, the first parameter is symbol, the second parameter is the exchange. Yes
vol The user defined volume threhsold Yes
halflife The number of sampler points taken to decay a value by half. No
multi_events_per_trade A boolean parameter indicates whether the sampler will be fired multiple times based on the volume of the trade. No


For a given notional threshold, the sampler is fired whenever the notional trade value (trade_price*trade_qty) over a period is greater than the notional threshold.

Field Description Mandatory
port The source of market data, the first parameter is symbol, the second parameter is the exchange. Yes
notional The user defined notional threshold. Yes
halflife The number of sampler points taken to decay a value by half. No
multi_events_per_trade A boolean parameter indicates whether the sampler will be fired multiple times based on the notional of the trade. No


It contains pricing models. A pricing model generates the fair value of an asset. It can be calculated from books, trades or portfolios.

pricing_models instances:

"pricing_models": [
    ["BTCUSDT.HUOBI_midpx", ["MidPx", {"port": ["BTCUSDT", "HUOBI"]}]]

pricing_models Overview:

Class Description
MidPx A pricing model calculating the mid price of the specified symbol.
AskPx A pricing model calculating the bestask price of the specified symbol.
BidPx A pricing model calculating the bestbid price of the specified symbol.
TradePx A pricing model calculating the traded price of the specified symbol.
TbboMid A pricing model calculating the mid price based on best bid and ask tbbo price of the specified symbol.
XbboMid A pricing model calculating the mid price based on best bid and ask xbbo price of the specified symbol.
PrevClosePx A pricing model calculating the previous close price of the specified symbol.
MktWPx A pricing model calculating the bid/ask size weighted mid price of the specified symbol.
Vwap A pricing model calculating the volume weighted trade price of the specified symbol.
Twap A pricing model calculating the time weighted trade price of the specified symbol using EMA (exponential moving average).
More pricing models will be shipped in QuantLib soon.

pricing_models Details:


A pricing model calculating the mid price of the specified symbol.

Field Description Mandatory
port The source of market data, the first parameter is symbol, the second parameter is the exchange. Yes


A pricing model calculating the bestask price of the specified symbol.

Field Description Mandatory
port The source of market data, the first parameter is symbol, the second parameter is the exchange. Yes


A pricing model calculating the bestbid price of the specified symbol.

Field Description Mandatory
port The source of market data, the first parameter is symbol, the second parameter is the exchange. Yes


A pricing model calculating the traded price of the specified symbol.

Field Description Mandatory
port The source of market data, the first parameter is symbol, the second parameter is the exchange. Yes


A pricing model calculating the mid price based on best bid and ask tbbo price of the specified symbol.

Field Description Mandatory
port The source of market data, the first parameter is symbol, the second parameter is the exchange. Yes


A pricing model calculating the mid price based on best bid and ask xbbo price of the specified symbol.

Field Description Mandatory
port The source of market data, the first parameter is symbol, the second parameter is the exchange. Yes


A pricing model calculating the previous close price of the specified symbol.

Field Description Mandatory
port The source of market data, the first parameter is symbol, the second parameter is the exchange. Yes


A pricing model calculating the bid/ask size weighted mid price of the specified symbol.

Field Description Mandatory
port The source of market data, the first parameter is symbol, the second parameter is the exchange. Yes


A pricing model calculating the volume weighted trade price of the specified symbol.

Field Description Mandatory
port The source of market data, the first parameter is symbol, the second parameter is the exchange. Yes
Sampler The type of data sampling method. Yes


A pricing model calculating the time weighted trade price of the specified symbol using EMA (exponential moving average).

Field Description Mandatory
port The source of market data, the first parameter is symbol, the second parameter is the exchange. Yes
Sampler The type of data sampling method. Yes


It contains variables. A variable generates a single number at any moment. It can be used as a standalone feature or an intermediated value to calculate a feature.

Variables instances:

"variables": [
    ["Zero", ["Const", {"value": 0.0}]],
    ["VAR_A_bidpx", ["PriceVar", {"pm": "BSVUSDTSWAP.OKEX_SWAP_bidpx"}]], 
    ["RGAP_SBBA", ["Ratio", {"v1": "VAR_B_askpx", "v2": "VAR_A_askpx"}]],
    ["EMA_BBSA", ["VarEma", {"variable": "RGAP_BBSA", "sampler": "std_sampler"}]],
    ["STD_SBBA", ["VarStd2", {"variable": "RGAP_SBBA", "init_var_value": 1,"init_std_value": 0.0006,"sampler": "std_sampler"}]],
    ["BTCUSDT.H_ret", ["Sub", {"v1": "BTCUSDT.H_ratio", "v2": "BTCUSDT.H_const"}]],
    ["BTCUSDT.H_high_signal", ["Max", {"variables": ["BTCOFQ0.K_BTCUSDT.H_bt0_basispts",  "BTCOFQ0.K_BTCUSDT.H_bt1_basis"]}]],
    ["BTCUSDT.H_low_signal", ["Min", {"variables": ["BTCOFQ0.K_BTCUSDT.H_bt0_basispts", "BTCOFQ0.K_BTCUSDT.H_bt1_basis"]}]],
    ["SELL_UP", ["GreaterThan", {"v1": "RGAP_SBBA", "v2": "UP"}]],  
    ["BUY_DOWN", ["LessThan", {"v1": "RGAP_BBSA", "v2": "DOWN"}]]

Variables Overview:

Class Description
BookReturn return between book-weighted price and a reference price (e.g. MidPx)
PriceVar Variable value comes from price.
Ratio Calculates the ratio of two variables.
VarEma Calculate the value of ema.
VarStd2 Calculate the value of the standard deviation.
Sum Takes multiple variables as an input, and sums up its values.
And Performs “AND” operation on multiple variable.
Sub Takes two variables as an input and subtracts them together.
Add Takes two variables as an input and adds them together.
Div Takes two variables as an input and divide them together.
Mul Takes two variables as an input and multiply them together.
Scale Takes an input coefficient and variable and scales the variable by the coefficient.
Max Get max value on multiple variable.
Min Get min value on multiple variable.
Mean Calculates the mean values of a host of variable values.
GreaterThan Compare the values of two parameters.
LessThan Compare the values of two parameters.
Or Performs “OR” operation on multiple variable.
NotZero Checks if the variable equals zero.
Not Performs “NOT” operation on multiple variable.
NormGT For any two variables, it checks if the absolute value of one variable is greater than than absolute value of the other variable.
SameSign checks if the sign of two variables are the same.
Const Takes in a constant as an input.
TopN Calculates the average top N variable values.
Median Calculates the median values of a host of variable values.
MinC Takes in a variable and a constant as an input, and calculates the minimum of the two.
MaxC Takes in a variable and a constant as an input, and calculates the maximum of the two.
Bollinger For a given trend alpha and a threshold value, this indicator checks if the ratio of(trend_value)/(stdev(trend_value)) is above or below the threshold, if above value = +1, if below value=-1, else value = value.
LevelPrice Takes in a referenced pricing model and side, calculates the price at the level that is level_cap levels below the best price.
Trend Takes in as an input the pricing model and the sampler parameters, and computes the exponential moving average for the pricing model.
Volatility Computes the Standard deviation of the EMA of the trend.
HighLow For a given pricing model and a sampler, computes the high, low, total returns, high-low range, and min(last - low,high- last) for a given number of bars.
ReturnFromMid Take a pricing model and a mid pricing model as inputs and computes the return between them.
ReturnBetweenPrices Take a pricing model and a base pricing model as inputs and computes the return between them.

| | More variables will be shipped in QuantLib soon. |

Variables Details:


Variable value comes from price.

Field Description Mandatory
pm A price variable derived from pricing_models. Yes


Calculates the ratio of two variables.

Field Description Mandatory
v1 The molecular part of the ratio. Yes
v2 The denominator part of the ratio. Yes


Calculate the value of ema.

Field Description Mandatory
variable The variable used to calculate the exponential moving average. Yes
sampler Decay parameters when calculating ema. Yes


Calculate the value of the standard deviation.

Field Description Mandatory
variable variable used to calculate standard deviation. Yes
init_var_value initial variable used to calculate standard deviation. Yes
init_std_value initial std used to calculate standard deviation. Yes


Takes two variables as an input and adds them together.

Field Description Mandatory
v1 & v2 Two parameters that need to be added. Yes


Takes two variables as an input and subtracts them together.

Field Description Mandatory
v1 & v2 Two parameters to be subtracted. Yes


Takes two variables as an input and multiplies them together.

Field Description Mandatory
v1 & v2 Two parameters to be multiplied. Yes


Takes two variables as an input and divides them together.

Field Description Mandatory
v1 & v2 Two parameters to be divided. Yes


Takes an input coefficient and variable and scales the variable by the coefficient.

Field Description Mandatory
coef Store a constant value. Yes
variable User defined variable. Yes


Get max value on multiple variable.

Field Description Mandatory
variables Store the list of variables to be compared. Yes


Get min value on multiple variable.

Field Description Mandatory
variables Store the list of variables to be compared. Yes


Calculates the mean values of a host of variable values.

Field Description Mandatory
variables Store the list of variables to be compared. Yes


Compare the values of two parameters.

Field Description Mandatory
v1 & v2 is v1 greater than v2. Yes


Compare the values of two parameters.

Field Description Mandatory
v1 & v2 is v1 less than v2. Yes


Performs “OR” operation on multiple variable.

Field Description Mandatory
variables Store the list of variables to be compared. Yes


Performs “NOT” operation on multiple variable.

Field Description Mandatory
variable User defined variable. Yes


Checks if the variable equals zero.

Field Description Mandatory
variable User defined variable. Yes


For any two variables, it checks if the absolute value of one variable is greater than than absolute value of the other variable.

Field Description Mandatory
v1 & v2 Two parameters that need to be added. Yes


Takes in a constant as an input.

Field Description Mandatory
value Store a constant value. Yes


Calculates the average top N variable values.

Field Description Mandatory
variables Store the list of variables to be compared. Yes


Calculates the median values of a host of variable values.

Field Description Mandatory
variables Store the list of variables to be compared. Yes


Takes in a variable and a constant as an input, and calculates the minimum of the two.

Field Description Mandatory
variable User define variable. Yes
Const Store a constant value. Yes


Takes in a variable and a constant as an input, and calculates the maximum of the two.

Field Description Mandatory
variable User define variable. Yes
Const Store a constant value. Yes


For a given trend alpha and a threshold value, this indicator checks if the ratio of(trend_value)/(stdev(trend_value)) is above or below the threshold, if above value = +1, if below value=-1, else value = value

Field Description Mandatory
trend User defined trend method. Yes
stdev_sampler The type of data sampling method. Yes
default_stdev Initial standard deviation. Yes
cutoff Threshold cutoff. Default is 1 No


Takes in a referenced pricing model and side, calculates the price at the level that is level_cap levels below the best price.

Field Description Mandatory
ref_pm User defined referenced pricing method. Yes
side 1 for BUY and 2 for SELL side. Default is 1 No
level_cap Level cap. Default is 5 No


Takes in as an input the pricing model and the sampler parameters, and computes the exponential moving average for the pricing model.

Field Description Mandatory
pm User defined pricing method. Yes
base_pm User defined pricing method to compute EMA. Default is pm No
sampler The type of data sampling method. Yes


Computes the Standard deviation of the EMA of the trend.

Field Description Mandatory
trend User defined trend method. Yes
sampler The type of data sampling method. Yes


For a given pricing model and a sampler, computes the high, low, total returns, high-low range, and min(last - low,high- last) for a given number of bars.

Field Description Mandatory
pm User defined pricing model. Yes
sampler The type of data sampling method. Yes
num_bars Number of bars No
output Choose one of 5 output types: range, return, high, low, px_from where px_from is min(high-px, px-low). Default is range No


Take a pricing model and a mid pricing model as inputs and computes the return between them.

Field Description Mandatory
pm User defined pricing model. Yes
mid_pm User defined mid pricing model. Yes


Take a pricing model and a base pricing model as inputs and computes the return between them.

Field Description Mandatory
pm User defined pricing model. Yes
base_pm User defined base pricing model. Yes


Multiplies the input variables by the weights; you can use this to store a linear model. Exactly one of the fields must be used.

Field Description Mandatory
variables A list of dictionaries each containing the properties "weight" and "variable", where weight is a float and variable is the name of a variable. No
components A list of tuples of the form (weight, variable) No


It contains models. A model is a value generated from one or more variables. Its value represents the predicted forward return and is used by ModelStrategy.

Models instances:

"models": [
    ["Zero_m", ["LinearModel", {"variable": "Zero"}]]

Models Overview:

Class Description
LinearModel It takes in a single variable as an argument, and assigns the signal to the strategy based on the value of the variable (additionally can also take trading_condition as an argument.
More models will be shipped in QuantLib soon.

Models Details:


It takes in a single variable as an argument, and assigns the signal to the strategy based on the value of the variable (additionally can also take trading_condition as an argument.

Field Description Mandatory
variable The variable to pass through. Yes
trading_condition A sampler. Trading only happens when there is a sample event. No


It contains strategies. A strategy implements the execution logic for trading a symbol. It is driven by time and market events, makes order placing/canceling decisions based on model value and other information.

Strategies common parameters:

Additional to the trading logic, the strategies component also provides a set of common parameters which help you better tune and manage your strategy such as order notional, order cooloff and etc. Below is a list with the explanation.

Field Description Mandatory
symbol Symbol of strategies trading. Yes
trade_market On which market the strategies trading. Yes
account Which account does the strategy run in. Yes
risk_id The strategy portfolio to which the strategy belongs, used to consolidate the calculated risk. Default is 0. No
order_notional The max notional per order (post only). Default is max_notional/5. No
ioc_notional The max notional per order (ioc). Default is max_notional/5. No
max_notional The allowed max notional per symbol. Default is 1000000. No
max_portfolio_notional The allowed max notional per account. Default is -1. No
max_risk The maximum notional value at risk of strategic portfolio exposure. Default is 1000000. No
cooloff Time invterval for placing order. Default is 0. No
use_margin Whether it is margin trading. Default is False. No
margin_source Margin mode, only works when use_margin is True. Default is isolated No

Strategies instances:

"strategies": [                                 
        "SimpleTakerStrategy", {
            "symbol": "BTCUSDTSWAP",
            "trade_market": "OKEX_SWAP",
            "order_size": 0.0001,
            "signal": "BTCUSDTSWAP.OKEX_SWAP_trend30"
        "CCSimpleMakerStrategy", {
            "symbol": "BTCUSDT",
            "trade_market": "BINANCE",
            "account": 10001,
            "model": "BTCUSDT.BINANCE_m",
            "make_mid_pm": "BTCUSDT.BINANCE_midpx",
            "use_bps_thold": true,
            "make_thold": 1,
            "order_notional": 2000,
            "max_notional": 2000
    ["Arb01", [
        "Arb1Strategy", {
            "symbol": "BSVUSDTSWAP", 
            "trade_market": "OKEX_SWAP",
            "use_margin": true,
             "account": 10001,
              "model": "model_a",
              "rbda": "RM_BDA",
              "sell_up": "SELL_UP",
              "buy_down": "BUY_DOWN", 
              "order_notional": 100,
               "max_notional": 1000, 
               "max_risk": 500
    ["Arb02", [
        "Arb2Strategy", {
            "symbol": "BSVUSDSWAP", 
            "trade_market": "OKEX_SWAP",
             "use_margin": true,
              "account": 10001,
               "model": "model_a",
                "max_notional": 1000, 
                "max_risk": 500

strategies Overview:

Class Description
CCEventMakerStrategy A simple maker strategy placing making orders based on buy/sell commands.
CCSimpleMakerStrategy A simple maker strategy quoting making orders on both sides based on signal.
Arb1Strategy The front leg strategy part of the arbitrage strategy.
Arb2Strategy The Back Leg Strategy Part of the Arbitrage Strategy.
Strategies will be shipped in QuantLib soon.

strategies Details:


A simple maker strategy placing making orders based on command from python script.

Field Description Mandatory
symbol symbol of strategies trading. Yes
trade_market on which market the strategies trading. Yes
order_size the order size on each order. Yes
signal the signal where the stratigies used. Yes


A simple maker strategy quoting maker orders on both sides based on signal. Default signal is 0. This strategy allowes the user to specify a model, or combines the variable set to generate signal, such as LinearModel.

Field Description Mandatory
symbol symbol of strategies trading. Yes
trade_market on which market the strategies trading. Yes
max_notional the max allowed position notional. Default is 1000000. No
order_notional the order notional on each order. Default is max_notional/5. No
quote_spread_bps quote based on spread. Default is 5. No
max_quote_error_bps the allowed error between quote price and order price. Default is 1. No
max_quote_signal_diff_bps the allowed error between signal price and order price. No
model user defined model which generates signal. No
use_bps_thold whether to use bps to express threshold, i.e. True: threshold = make_thold * 0.0001, False: threhsold = make_thold * tick_size / midpx. Default is False. No
make_thold how far you place a maker order from fair value. Default is 100000. No
make_mid_pm user defined mid pricing model which will be used as mid price for quoting. Yes


The front leg strategy part of the arbitrage strategy.

Field Description Mandatory
symbol symbol of strategies trading. Yes
trade_market on which market the strategies trading. Yes
risk_id The strategy portfolio to which the strategy belongs, used to consolidate the calculated risk. Yes
use_margin Whether it is margin trading. Yes
account Which account does the strategy run in. Yes
rbda Signal direction, current main direction is buy or sell. Yes
sell_up sell signal. Yes
buy_down buy signal. Yes
order_notional the max notional per order. Yes
max_notional Notional value of the largest held position. Yes
max_risk The maximum notional value at risk of strategic portfolio exposure. Yes


The Back leg strategy part of the arbitrage strategy.

Field Description Mandatory
symbol symbol of strategies trading. Yes
trade_market on which market the strategies trading. Yes
risk_id The strategy portfolio to which the strategy belongs, used to consolidate the calculated risk. Yes
use_margin Whether it is margin trading. Yes
account Which account does the strategy run in. Yes
max_notional Notional value of the largest held position. Yes
max_risk The maximum notional value at risk of strategic portfolio exposure. Yes