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Apifiny Algo Trading System

Apifiny Algo Trading System is a trading library that supports mulitple cryptocurrency exchanges. The core value of AATS is light weight and low latency since the low-level system is optimized and encapsulated by C++, such as exchange connectivity, order book management and order placement. It extremely decreases the learning curve for users. With AATS, users can seamlessly deploy your strategy and ready to live trade without any pain. Below is the introduction of AATS python API.

Package structure

At python module level, AATS utilizes the event driven framework and consists of the below components:

  • Base Strategy: it is a base strategy class and you can develop your strategy based on it
  • Trade Service: it is the core trading module that is used to load configuration, start trade server and add strategy and start running for live trading
  • Market Service: it is used to start market server and subscribe symbols and exchanges you want to listen
  • Control Service: it is related to server management, such as show running market/trade servers, kill servers and etc

Base Strategy

Once your strategy inherits from base strategy, you can overwrite the below functions/callbacks and add your own logic:

Functions/Callbacks Description
send_order function to send order
send_cancel_order function to send cancel order
close function to define how to close strategy
onQuote callbacks once orderbook data update
onTick callbacks once trade data update
onNotify combination of onQuote and onTick
onOrderCreated callbacks once new order created
onOrderAcked callbacks once new order is acknowledged from exchange
onOrderRejected callbacks once new order is rejected from exchange
onOrderCancelCreated callbacks once cancel order created
onOrderCancelAcked callbacks once cancel order is acknowledged from exchange
onOrderCancelRejected callbacks once cancel order is rejected from exchange
onOrderExec callbacks once order is executed (include partially executed) from exchange
onOrderCanceled callbacks once order is canceled from exchange
onOrderClosed callbacks once order is closed from exchange


send_order needs to construct an order object with the following field:

Field Description Mandatory
exchange exchange you want to trade Yes
symbol symbol you want to trade Yes
price trade price Yes
size trade size Yes
side trade direction Yes
tif order type, currently support IOC and POS Yes


Field Description Mandatory
order_id internal order id Yes


This is an abstract function, users need to overwrite it and define how to close your strategy properly.


callbacks once orderbook data update, message contains the below fields:

    'type': 'onQuote', 
    'cid': 1001, 
    'length': 5,                    # order book depth level
    'bid_0_qty': 0.27713, 
    'bid_0_px': 19327.67, 
    'bid_1_qty': 0.04621, 
    'bid_1_px': 19327.08, 
    'bid_2_qty': 0.12618, 
    'bid_2_px': 19326.8, 
    'bid_3_qty': 0.05, 
    'bid_3_px': 19326.68, 
    'bid_4_qty': 0.28508, 
    'bid_4_px': 19326.66, 
    'ask_0_qty': 0.13624, 
    'ask_0_px': 19327.87, 
    'ask_1_qty': 0.0063, 
    'ask_1_px': 19327.92, 
    'ask_2_qty': 0.02602, 
    'ask_2_px': 19328.0, 
    'ask_3_qty': 0.32749, 
    'ask_3_px': 19328.07, 
    'ask_4_qty': 0.0066, 
    'ask_4_px': 19328.16


callbacks once trade data update, message contains the below fields:

    'type': 'onTick', 
    'cid': 1002, 
    'tradeType': 1,    # aggresive trade side, 1 for buy, -1 for sell
    'qty': 0.0249, 
    'px': 1638.93


Callbacks once onTrade or onQuote is fired, parameter "NoType" represents notify type, 1 for onQuote, 0 for onTick


onOrder callbacks with different order status, message contains the below fields:

        "order_id":1,                     # internal order id
        "remote_id":"",                   # exchange order id
        "msg":""                         # the order be rejected reson
    "type":"onOrderCreated"               # order status

Trade Service

Trade service provides below APIs

Functions/Callbacks Description
set_ts_connection setup connection configuration with control server
set_md_connection setup connection configuration with market server
config_exchange setup exchange configuration
set_apikey setup apikeys
set_fee setup commission fee (optional)
add_md_symbol add symbol you want to listen
add_trade_symbol add symbol you want to trade
add_strategy add user defined strategy
run start live trading


Field Description Mandatory
ip control server ip Yes
port control server port Yes


Field Description Mandatory
ip market server ip Yes
port market server port Yes
send_type send type Yes


Field Description Mandatory
exchange exchange name Yes
trade_type trade mode, "direct" for live trade, "sandbox" for test trade, currently "sandbox" only supports Binance Yes


Field Description Mandatory
exchange exchange name Yes
key api key Yes
secret api secret Yes
password api password No
subaccount api subaccount No


Field Description Mandatory
exchange exchange name Yes
taker_fee taker commission fee Yes
maker_fee maker commission fee Yes


Field Description Mandatory
symbol symbol name Yes
exchange exchange name Yes
level_num maximum number of book level to listen No


Field Description Mandatory
symbol symbol name Yes
exchange exchange name Yes
level_num maximum number of book level to listen No


Field Description Mandatory
strategy user defined strategy instance Yes

Market Service

For market service, we provide three modes, P2P is for cloud user, BROADCAST is for docker user, MULTIBROAD is for native user. You need to setup network configuration correspondingly for different user cases.

Market service provides below APIs

Functions/Callbacks Description
set_control_server setup connection configuration with control server
set_network_cfg setup network configuration for market server
open_l2_data If you want to receive l2 data call this function
add_listen_symbol add listen symbols
run start to launch market server


Field Description Mandatory
ip control server ip Yes
port control server port Yes


Field Description Mandatory
send_type send message type. default is P2P No
ip UPD/TCP ip address Yes
port UPD/TCP port Yes
netcard_name netcard name. only be setted when send type is MULTIBROAD No

Remark: There are three types of send_type, 1. P2P - TCP point-to-point data transfer 2. BROADCAST - UDP broadcast data transmission 3. MULTIBROAD - UDP MULTIBROAD data transmission

When the transmission type is P2P, the parameters ip and port correspond to the ip address and port that the market data server listens to. When the transmission type is BROADCAST, the parameters ip ( and port correspond to the broadcast ip and the port of the receiver When the transmission type is MULTIBROAD, the parameters ip ( to and port correspond to the MULTIBROAD ip and the port of the receiver


Field Description Mandatory
symbol symbol name Yes
exchange exchange name Yes
level_num maximum number of book level to listen, default is 5 No

Control Service

Control service has below functionalities:

Functions/Callbacks Description
set_control_server setup connection configuration of control server
show_all_trade_servers list all running trade servers
show_all_market_servers list all running market servers
kill_server kill server with given pid